VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]


Make 10 sentences using the vocabulary you learnt today.


I don’t want any – none 

I don’t want to eat anything – negative

I want to eat something – positive

box of cereal: 一盒(麦片)

can of soup/coke/corn/beans: 罐 (汤,可乐)

jar of jam/olives/peanut butter: 罐(果酱)

bunch of bananas/grapes/carrots:一串 (香蕉)

loaf/loaves (more than 1) of bread: 一条(面包)

bag of flour/sugar: 包 (面粉,糖)

carton of juice/milk: 一盒 (牛奶)

a dozen eggs: 一打(蛋)

ketchup: 番茄酱

upset/sad/not happy

disappointed: 失望

eg. She was disappointed because there was nothing left at the supermarket.

eg. The boy feels disappointed because his father arrived late.


eg. I feel tired after working the whole day.

appetite: 食欲

eg. She lost her appetite and didn’t have dinner.

eg. He doesn’t have an appetite after exercising.


anything – general

What would you like to eat?

A: Anything is fine/good.

something – more specific

What would you like to eat?

A: I want something hot.


grapes – gray-ps

carton – car – tun

bad – baaa-d

bed – beh-d

Writing exercise

Do you like eggs?

Yes, I do, but I don’t want one.

Do you like butter?

Yes, I do, but I don’t want any.

I can’t learn so much knowledge at one time so, I’m going shopping.

I went to the supermarket yesterday. I bought five apples, two bottles of orange juice, a carton of milk and some ice cream.


Do you like eggs?

Yes, I do, but I don’t want any/many.

Do you like butter?

Yes, I do, but I don’t want much. 

I can’t learn so much knowledge at one time/at once so, I’m going shopping.

I went to the supermarket yesterday. I bought five apples, two bottles of orange juice, a carton of milk and some ice cream.