VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]

Today we focused on:



30th June – thirtieth of June/ June 30th

1st July – first of July/July 1st

12:34/twelve thirty- four/twenty-six to one

if it’s after 30 minutes then it’s to 

Before 30 minutes it’s past 

12:20/twelve twenty/twenty past twelve

revive: come alive

eg. Mothra can revive when she dies.

virus: 病毒

eg. The new virus is very scary.

COVID-19/coronavirus: 新冠病毒

he’s looking forward to/spring/his new shoes/meeting his friends/going to the park

bloom: when flowers open up

eg. Flowers bloom during springtime.

boom: when something explodes

eg. The box went “BOOM” and everything turned into pieces.

bomb: 炸弹

perfume: 香水


buy ->bought

rain – light/heavy

maple tree: 枫树

I’m sick and tired of…. – 我受够了

eg. I’m sick and tired of studying grammar!

eg. I’m sick and tired of doing my homework every day.


from Monday – Friday

from 1 to 5 pm

from my house

to (a place/distance)

I go to school

The distance from my house to Pudong.

In morning, it was raining strong 

In the morning, it was raining heavily 

Writing exercise

I like the movie “Godzilla” very much. I saw “Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters” in the cinema with my parents last year. There are many big monsters in the movie. We call them “Titans”. All of them are very horrible. They are powerful and destructive. Only one of the “Titans” looks beautiful. Her name is Mothra. She looks like a butterfly. But she is dead at the end of the movie. The music in the movie is also attractive. The music is very exciting when Godzilla appears. I want to see the movie once again in this summer vacation.


I like/love the movie “Godzilla” very much/a lot. I saw “Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters” at the cinema with my parents last year. There are many big monsters in the movie; we call them “Titans”. All of them are horrific/terrifying. They are powerful and destructive. Only one of the “Titans” looks beautiful. Her name is Mothra. She looks like a butterfly. But she died and comes back alive at the end of the movie. The music in the movie is wonderful/great/fabulous. The music is very exciting when Godzilla appears. I want to see the movie once again in this summer vacation.