VIP Class Notes (Li)[W]


Write a short story using the vocabulary from these 2 weeks.


advertisement/advert: 广告

born: 出生

eg. Maria was born in 1966.

eg. My cousin was born in the same hospital as my sister.

grow up: 成长

eg. She grew up in a small village.

eg. When my cousin grows up, he will be very tall.

Peru: 秘鲁

elementary school/primary school: 小学


US/United States/USA/America

arrive: to reach a place 到达,抵达

eg. What time will your train arrive?

eg. We arrived early in the morning.

secretary: 秘书

eg. She worked as a secretary for 3 years.

eg. His secretary is very beautiful.

miss: 想念

eg. Maria misses her friends every day.

eg. The boy cried on his first day at school because he missed his mother.

I look forward to sth – 我期待(什么)..


meet – people

eg. Who did you meet?

see – with your eyes

eg. I can see a table and some chairs in this room.

Writing exercise

Did you meet anything interesting?

Yes, I did. I saw a cat catch a pigeon.

Where did you go on Sunday?

I went to the shopping mall with my family.

Did you eat or drink anything at breakfast?

No, I didn’t. I was hungry. My wife was hungry. My dog was hungry, too. Afterwards, we ate some food at lunch. We were full at last.


Did you see anything interesting?

Yes, I did. I saw a cat catch a pigeon.

Where did you go on Sunday?

I went to the shopping mall with my family.

Did you eat or drink anything during breakfast?

No, I didn’t. I was hungry. My wife was hungry. My dog was hungry, too. Afterwards, we ate some food for lunch. We were full at last.

No, I didn’t. My wife, my dog and I were hungry. 


factory – fact-tah-ree

Peru – Pah-roo

united – you-nai-ted

commercials – cah-mer-she-als