VIP Class Notes (Li)[S/W]


Write a few sentences using the vocabulary you’ve learnt today.


aerobic exercises: 有氧è¿åŠ¨

schedule: timetable

eg. My work schedule is very busy.

plateau: to reach a particular level where it’s the same 稳定;åœæ»ž

eg. I’ve been losing a lot of weight for a few months but recently, I’ve plateaued and I have not lost any weight.

gain: add more

eg. I gained 10kg in 3 months.

eg. After completing her studies, she gained more knowledge of this subject.

prepare: to make or get something or someone ready for something that will happen in the future 准备,预备

eg. Have you prepared for your interview?

prepare beforehand: 事先准备

eg. You need to prepare beforehand if you want to do well.

optimistic: ä¹è§‚

eg. Optimistic people always look so happy.

pessimistic: 悲观

eg. Pessimistic people worry about more things.

analyse: 分æž

eg. I think I am quite good at analysing people’s actions.

behaviour: the way you act or react to people or situations 行为

eg. Her behaviour tells me that she is lying about where she was last week.

controlling: when you want to tell people what to do or make decisions for them 控制欲

eg. It is hard to work with people who are very controlling.

passive: 被动

eg. If you are a passive person, you don’t like to lead.

active (to describe people)/aggressive: 主动/积æžä¸»åŠ¨

eg. His aggressive personality has an advantage when he is looking to get what he wants.

eg. People who take an active approach in life have a higher chance of succeeding.

willing or more willing: more likely to do something without putting up with a fight ä¹æ„

eg. I am willing to help if you are nice to me.

strong opinion: have a strong feeling about an idea

eg. She will speak more when you talk about topics in which she has a strong opinion of.

Speaking exercise

I have a very good girlfriend. Her personality is actually different from me. In two years ago, I couldn’t have a good friend like such a girl. We became good friends through another friend in a lecture. At that time, I had the same troubles with her. So we supported each other and slowly became good friends. I have known my friend for two years. According to Le Jia’s personality colour, she is red and I am blue. Le Jia is the expert in study of personality colour psychology. He divides personality into four colour like red, yellow, blue and green. My girlfriend’s personality is opposite to me. She is open, likes smile, very optimistic. My personality colour is blue. I’m serious, a little bit pessimistic. We often had different options on the same issues. It is often fresh for us. So we encounter something, we discuss with each other and look for ideas.


I have a very good girlfriend. Her personality is actually different from me. In Two years ago, I couldn’t imagine becoming good friends with like such a girl. We became good friends through another friend in a lecture. At that time, I had the same troubles problems with as her. So we supported each other and slowly became good friends. I have known my friend for two years. According to Le Jia’s personality colour, she is red and I am blue. Le Jia is an expert in the study of personality colour psychology. He divides personality into four colours like red, yellow, blue and green. My girlfriend’s personality is opposite to me. She is open, likes to smile and very optimistic. My personality colour is blue. I’m serious and a little bit pessimistic. We often have different opinions of the same issues. It is often fresh for us. So whenever we encounter something, we will discuss with each other and look for ideas/answers/solutions.


how to enlarge English words?  – how to learn more English words?

green people will have opinion – green people are more willing to listen to other people’s opinion/don’t have strong opinions 

Writing exercise

Five years ago, I had to work overtime every night because of my busy work. So in just three months,my weight rose sharply,it weighted 10Kg. After winter, I would change into thin clothes . but because of the sudden weight of 10kg, so many clothes couldn’t be put on. So I decided to lose weight and skip rope for 30 minutes every night. At first, the weight dropped sharply,it gave me a lot of confidence. But two months later, It entered the bottleneck period of weight loss, my weight lost slowly and no longer droped. But I didn’t give up. I kept on exercising. After a year’s hard work, my weight was back to the beginning. There are many ways to lose weight, but exercising is more fit for me and it makes me healthier.


Five years ago, I had to work overtime every night because of my busy schedule. So in just three months, my weight rose sharply. I gained 10Kg. After winter, I would change wear into thin clothes. But, because of the sudden weight gain/gain of 10kg, so I could not put on/wear many clothes couldn’t be put on. So I decided to lose weight and I skipped rope for 30 minutes every night. At first, the weight dropped sharply, it gave me a lot of confidence. But two months later, I’ve plateaued bottleneck period of weight loss, and my weight could not drop anymore. But I didn’t give up. I kept on exercising. After a year’s hard work, my weight was back to the beginning was the same as before. There are many ways to lose weight, but exercising is more fit suitable/better for me and it makes me healthier.