VIP Class Notes (Li)[S/W]


leading/the first choice

for data – higher/lower percentage

slight/a little/small increase/decrease

the day before/the night before

complain: to say that something is not good or wrong

eg. Lots of people have complained about the noise.

eg. She complained that the service was slow.

not bound by a contract/not contract bound

wrist: 手腕

stamina: physical/mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long time 耐力;持久力

eg. The triathlon is a great test of stamina.

eg. Running a marathon requires you to train your stamina.

endurance: the ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant, or painful for a long time 忍耐力,耐受力

eg. How good is his endurance for this competition?

eg. The pain was bad beyond endurance.

perseverance: to continue to put effort and determination 坚持

eg. Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top.

eg. Perseverance is a good trait to have.

self-motivation: self enthusiasm for doing something

eg. You need self-motivation to be self-employed.

eg. He’s smart but lacks self-motivation.

stiff neck: hard/rigid neck

stiff opposite flexible 

spine: 脊柱; 脊椎

show up/turn/to arrive at an event or place


noun + verb 

My friend said …

pronoun + verb 

She said…

Only the noun or the pronoun each time, not both.

if you want to use both: 

The children were playing together, they chased each other at the park.

present tense use  – habits/routines/general facts/truths

Speaking exercise

You don’t need to pay for a whole year. The coach is very good and the whole class is very high. I had a class for body jam. It’s like a dance class including dancing and workout. It’s hard for me because I’m not good at dance. The actions and moves is not easy for new people.

Around 8 or 10 peoples in one class. But a lot of people like body pump. A lot of lifting, punching and squatting.

The coach will tell you to take it easy. Especially some fresh people, they’re shy, they won’t go to the first line to show up. A lot of people, a lot of my friends they realised they have a healthy problem. They want to change but they cannot insist.

One of my friends she sits on her seat more than 6 hours each day. She also have an apple watch. This is one function to remind you to stand up each hour. She ignore this kind of reminder. When after work go back to home, lay on the couch for 3-4 hours. She cannot move her neck in any direction. Then she asked me how to improve her situation.

So I think I quit is the best decision.

“Did you have anything unhappy in the office?”


You don’t need to pay for the whole year/you don’t need to be bound to a yearly contract. The coach is very good/professional and the whole class is very high/excited. I had a body jam class. It’s like a dance class which combines dancing and workouts. It’s hard for me because my hand-eye coordination is not good. The actions and movements are not easy for new people/newcomers. 

Around 8 or 10 people in one class. But, a lot of people like/prefer body pump. A lot of lifting, punching and squatting.

The coach will tell you to take it easy. Especially for some newcomers, they’re shy so they won’t stand on the first line where you can see them/it’s visible. A lot of people, a lot of my friends realised that they have a health problem. They want to change but they cannot persist.

One of my friends sits on her seat for more than 6 hours every day. She also has an apple watch. There is one function to remind you to stand up every hour. She ignored this kind of reminder. When she finishes work, she goes back home and lies on the couch for 3-4 hours. She cannot move her neck in any direction/she has a stiff neck. Then she asked me for advice.      

So I think quitting is the best decision I’ve made. 

“Did something bad happen at the office/Did you have a bad day?” 

Writing exercise

The graph shows the percentage of users who use different social apps in US from 2012-2016. Facebook was the first choice and had the biggest percentage among the market and all the apps increased by over 30% in 2016.
The blue bar chart showed Facebook had almost triple and quadruple as others in 2012 and increased rapidly in 2013,then stabilized from 2014 while other apps had a quickly increase in 2014. From then on, except Linkedin and Twitter had a slow decrease,other apps still increased from 2015-2016. More and more users needed different social service including photos, work information and so on. The percentage scale between facebook and the other apps decreased around double or triple.
To sum up, facebook still was the first social app which users chose and the market need to have different social app types satisfied user demands.


The graph shows the percentage of users who use different social media applications/services in the US from 2012-2016. Facebook was the first choice and had the highest percentage among the market/all the services and all the apps increased by over 30% in 2016.
The blue bar chart showed Facebook had almost tripled and quadrupled as others in 2012 and increased rapidly in 2013, then stabilized from 2014 while other apps had a quick/sudden increase in 2014. From 2014, except Linkedin and Twitter had a slight decrease while other apps still increased from 2015-2016. More and more users need to access different social media services including photos, work information and so on. The percentage scale between Facebook and the other apps decreased at around double or triple the percentage. 
To sum up, Facebook still is the leading social media app which users choose and the market needs to have different types of social media apps to satisfy user demands.