VIP Class Notes (Li)[S/W]


What kind of life skills should be taught in school?


tone: when your muscles feel tight because of exercise 结实

eg. Boxing helps you to tone your muscles.

lean: thin and healthy

eg. Most people want to look lean and fit.

eg. You should eat a clean diet if you want to look lean.

flexible: your body can easily stretch

eg. Yoga can help your body to become more flexible.

movement: an action/exercise

get into a dangerous situation

surfing: riding a board on waves 冲浪

spin bike: exercise bikes in the gym

I give/gave up

physical health – the body

user/s – one/many


do not/does not/don’t/doesn’t-> did not/didn’t (past tense)

ex. I didn’t continue boxing because I don’t want muscles.

some adj + ing 


How you feel – I feel tired/exhausted  

I will have my lunch at eating/dining table.

the – singular/plural/specific

ex. users – all users (we don’t know what users)

ex. the users of social media  – (only people who use social media)

ex. The United States/The United Kingdom/The Netherlands

a/an –  singular/general

ex. I have a cat. The cat is orange. – first time “a”, after that “the”

ex. The children found a box on the floor. They opened the box and found a lot of money.

no preposition – plural/general

ex. People like to eat ice cream.

ex. The people like to eat ice cream.

ex. Many cars are white.

on – like on top

ex. I’m on an escalator.  – you’re stepping on it

ex. I’m on the subway/train/plane.

in – inside

ex. I’m in the lift/elevator. – you’re inside it

ex. I’m in the car/bus.

Speaking exercise

I don’t give up the swimming. Because of the virus this year, I didn’t give up the swimming pool.

After that class my friend’s knee is broken and she went to the hospital.

I think Taichi is more help mental health than body health.

Sometimes I still dancing, but it’s tired.

I can’t focus on one thing one time.


I didn’t give up on swimming because of the virus this year, I didn’t give up on the swimming pool.

After that class, my friend’s knee was broken and she went to the hospital.

I think Taichi helps mental health more than physical health.

Sometimes I still dance, but it’s tiring,

I can’t focus on one thing at a time. 

Writing exercise

Facebook has the most user in sns market. And over all,user of sns market showed upward trend.
User of Facebook increased from 2012 to 2013,and stabilized from 2013 to 2015. totally it increased 18% in 4 years. We can see the similar trend with Instagram and Pinterest except Linkedln and Twitter. User of Linkedln &Twitter increased from 2012 to 2014 ,and decreased from 2014 to 2016. Totally the percentage of increasing is around 8-9%.
If you want to by some stock,facebook,Instagram and Pinterest is your best choice


Facebook has the most number of users in the social media market. Overall, the number of social media users showed an upward trend.
Users of Facebook increased from 2012 to 2013, and stabilized/remained constant from 2013 to 2015. In total, the users increased by 18% in 4 years. We can see a similar trend with Instagram and Pinterest, but not with Linkedln and Twitter. Users of Linkedln & Twitter increased from 2012 to 2014, and decreased from 2014 to 2016. In total, the percentage of increase is around 8-9%.
If you want to buy some stocks, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are your best choices. 

*To start off your analysis you can include an overall description of the graph

ex. This graph shows/depicts/illustrates the percentage of internet users who uses each social media service from 2012-2016.

*Overall trend: include the best and the worst

*you can make direct comparisons with numbers or use the words increase/decrease to describe


plateau: when the graph levels off