VIP Class Notes (Li)[S/W]


make friends/befriend others

new to a place – you’re not familiar with a place

online friends/friends from the internet

personal information – your own data

privacy – keeping your personal data safe/your online activity safe

white lie – a type of lie that is not meant to be harmful

severe – lots of difficulties/worries/damages; very serious

eg. This situation is severe, we should report it as soon as possible.

eg. The injury looks severe, I hope there’s a way to fix it.

upbringing: growing up process/background

rarely – not often

eg. I’m rarely free on Wednesdays.

eg. She rarely speaks to her parents.

barely – almost not at all

eg. She barely made it to the finish line.

eg. My colleague barely finished the project on time.

in real life/reality 

be upfront – be clear to someone at the beginning

eg. She’s very upfront about her financial situation.

eg. Her manager thinks that she’s good to work with because she’s upfront about her goals.

in this day and age – at the present time

Speaking exercise

Sometimes if you chat online, your personal information may be revealed. We don’t have privacy online. I think making friends online can make barely genuine friends. You can’t see them and you don’t know what he or she really in reality. Maybe sometimes someone just wants someone to spend their free time and they want make real friends so if they are busy or they are going to meet friends in reality, they will forget friends online.

I used to try to find someone to improve my English, just chat with them, but I didn’t do it for a long time because we don’t have the same spare time.

Most of the time lying is a bad thing. Why and when would we tell a lie? I think in China most parents and there’s a lot of white lies between Chinese parents and children. They don’t want others to worry about them so they will lie to them. Every time my mum ask me, “are you tired of your work?” I would say “no, I’m happy!”

In China, some boys wouldn’t tell the truth of his real situation of his family to their girlfriend. They won’t tell especially the financial situation. I think it’s normal at this time.

It depends on why he or she lied to me. If she lies is good for me or she has something she can’t tell me. Also, it depends on how many bad influence to me.

I think lie is always not good. I don’t think children should learn how to lie. If their lie is full of lie then there is no truth, you can’t hear any truth from their mouth. I think it’s bad for their growing up.

I think it’s because of the growing environment they have. If people around them are they don’t lie and I don’t think the children can learn how to lie. Children always learn from others or the environment so if people around them don’t lie, then children don’t lie.


Sometimes if you chat online, your personal information may be revealed. We don’t have privacy online. I think the friends that you make online are rarely genuine. You can’t see them and you don’t know what he or she is really like in real life. Maybe sometimes someone just wants to spend their free time with another person and they want to make real friends. If they are busy or they are going to meet their real friends, they will forget their friends online.

I tried to find someone to improve my English, just to chat with them. But I didn’t do it for a long time because we don’t have the same spare/free time.

Most of the time lying is a bad thing. When and why would we tell a lie? I think in China most parents and there’s a lot of white lies between Chinese parents and their children. Children don’t want their parents to worry about them so they will lie to them. Every time my mum will  ask me, “are you tired of your work/job?” I would say “no, I’m happy!”

In China, some boys wouldn’t be upfront of their actual family situation/upbringing to their girlfriend. Especially, they won’t reveal their financial situation. I think it’s normal at this time/day and age. 

It depends on why he or she lied to me. If her lies are good for me or if she has something that she can’t tell me. Also, it depends on how badly it influences me.

I think lying is always not good/unacceptable. I don’t think children should learn how to lie. If their life is full of lies then there is no truth, you can’t hear any truth from their mouth. I think it’s bad for their upbringing.

I think it’s because of the environment they have. If people around them don’t lie then I don’t think the children can learn how to lie. Children always learn from others or the environment around them so if people around them don’t lie, then children won’t lie.

Writing exercise

If making friends online is safe, I’d like to do that. There’s an old saying in China: more friends, more choices. So why can’t we make friends online? Besides, you can get more friends online than in reality, because you can chat with many people in one time.

Making friends online can get you more help sometimes, for example, if you’re traveling at a city which is new for you and you want to eat some authentic food. But you’re new of there, I think the best way to find that place to eat is to ask local people, and you just have some local friends online, how happy you would be!

We know that we can meet our friends all the time, but we can talk with friends online any time, that’s really good.


If making friends online is safe, I’d like to do that. There’s an old saying in China: more friends, more choices. So why can’t we make friends/befriend others online? Besides, you can make more friends online than in reality, because you can chat with many people at one time/once.

Making friends online can get you more help sometimes, for example, if you’re traveling to a city which is new for you and you want to eat some authentic food. But you’re new to the place, I think the best way to find a place to eat is to ask local people/the locals, and you just have happened to have some local friends online how happy would you be!

We know that we cannot meet our friends all the time, but we can talk with our online friends at any time. It’s great!/How wonderful!