VIP Class Notes (Li)[S/W]


Write about an event that happened in the past. Use the past tense.


Europe: 欧洲

eg. Which countries do you want to visit in Europe?

invasion: when an army or country uses force to take control of another 入侵,侵略

eg. At one point, Germany launched a series of successful invasions on several neighbouring countries.

breeze through: easily completed

eg. She breezed through the song as though she’d been singing it for years. è½»æ¾å®Œæˆ

battle: 战争

eg. Many people died fighting in battles.

fought: past tense of fight

eg. He fought with his brother last night.

Needs more review

disturb: 打扰

eg. I don’t like to be disturbed when I am studying because I need to focus.

eg. I don’t want to disturb my friends who are studying in the classroom.

Speaking exercise

Germany and Japan lose it at the end of the war. America join the war when Japan bomb the Pearl Harbor. Then America and Japan had war at Midway Island and Japan started to fail. America also helped England to beat the Germans. German tried to attack the USSR but they fail. England, America and USSR attacked German together and German lose a lot of land. German tried to make English army trap again but America destroy their plan. Then German was defeating the war.


Germany and Japan lost at the end of the war. America joined the war when Japan bombed the Pearl Harbor. Then America and Japan had a battle/fought at Midway Island and Japan started to fail lose the war. America also helped England to beat the Germans. Germany tried to attack the USSR but they failed. England, America and the USSR attacked Germany together and the Germans lost a lot of land. Germany tried to trap the English army trap again but America destroyed their plan. Then the Germans were defeated in the war.

Writing exercise

I’m regretting not working hard during Grade one to three. I am not good at studying during that time. Luckily, I started to work hard when I was grade 4. I become the best student in our class. If I had began to work hard much earlier, I would have become a better student and been smarter than now.


I’m regretting not working hard between grade one and three. I’m not good at studying at that time. Luckily, I started to work hard when I was in grade four. I became the best student in our class. If I had begun to work hard much earlier, I would have become a better student and become smarter than I am now.