VIP Class Notes (Li)[S/R]


hub: the central or main part of something 中心

eg. a transport hub/financial hub

sightseeing: visiting popular places while on holiday 观光,游览

eg. We did some sightseeing in Hangzhou.

eg. Last year I had no time to go sightseeing when I went to Guangzhou.

entrance: a door, gate by which you enter a building or place 入口;大门(口);通道

eg. There are two entrances in this building.

bamboo shoot: 竹笋

addiction(n): unable to stop doing something that is bad

eg. He has an alcohol addiction.

eg. She struggled with her addiction for many years.

addict – verb

giant: extremely big

eg. That is a giant bar of chocolate.

family-sized: 家庭号

eg. That family-sized bag of sweets is on sale.

carbohydrate/carbs: 碳水化合物

eg. You should eat less carbs if you want to lose weight.

bottom of the mountain  – the ground

top of the mountain – the tip

Speaking exercise

There are many small mountains and we can walk along field. Tong Lu is very beautiful, it has many tall buildings there. It is rich because it does deliveries. There are not many people in the area because it is not very famous. Most tourists go there to climb the mountain. It takes 3 hours to climb up the mountain and 3 more to go back down. There is only one way from the entrance. Every year, I went somewhere during the short holiday. There are many hotels and delicious food and cafes.


There are many small mountains and we can walk along the field. Tong Lu is very beautiful, there are many tall buildings. It is rich because it has a large exports industry. There were not many people in the area because it is not very famous. Most tourists go there to climb the mountain. It takes 3 hours to hike up the mountain and 3 more hours to return/It’s a 6-hour hike. There is only one way/route/path from the entrance. Every year, I went somewhere/away during my short holidays. There are many hotels, delicious restaurants and cafes.


I know eating a lot of chocolate is bad for my health. There’s a lot of sugar in all types of chocolate. There’s also a lot of fat. I think that’s why I have many spots on my face, and I’m a little overweight too. Sometimes I try to stop but if I don’t have any, I get very bad headaches. However, as soon as I have some chocolate I feel better and happier too. I know that it’s also very bad to take and eat chocolate that’s not mine but I can’t stop myself.