VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]

Today we focused on:

IELTS listening: try to write down keywords (adjectives/nouns/phrases/verbs) as you listen/look for synonyms in the speech

IELTS speaking: use your experiences to help you answer simple questions/follow this formula: point (yes/no)<example(reason)<detail(your experience)


freelance: not be tied to one company; work for several organisations

eg. There are many artists that work freelance.


own access/separate entrance

now there are fewer/reduced (seats) in number

legroom: area for your legs to extend not including the seat

twice as many/double in number

increase in size/bigger than before/much bigger

gone/no more

convert: to cause something to change in form or character

eg. I would like to convert the second bedroom and the bathroom into a big room.

eg. How do you convert kilograms to grams?

closest/nearest/in close proximity

collide/hit each other/bump into each other

merge/join together

people will people/will not survive/will not exist


used to have = I had them back them, not anymore

anything vs. everything

anything – any one thing 

eg. What would you like to drink?

A: Anything is fine.

everything – all

eg. I like to drink every drink.

Speaking exercise

Street market it’s very convenient because you can buy everything that you want to buy. I like to go to street market because you can buy everything you like there. The most thing I like is there are so many decorations, earrings which I like very much. When you buy a lot of things you want, it will make me happy so I like to go there.


Street markets are very convenient because you can buy anything that you want to buy. I like to go to street markets because there are many attractive things on offer. My favourite is that there are so many decorations and earrings which I like very much/I adore/I love. When I buy many things I want, it will make me happy so I like to go there.