VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]



takes awhile/ take some time

socialise: to meet and talk to people

documentary: 纪录片

beforehand/in advance/


during my work – for my work 

they should do a risk report- they should write a risk report 

sometimes I cannot ask what our customers say – sometimes it is difficult for me to ask/sometimes it is inappropriate to ask 

I cannot follow it – I cannot follow/ I struggle to follow what you’re saying 

so our business can grows – so our business can grow/ improve 

I want to use it to improving my English – I want to use to improve my English 

my vocabulary limited to a small scale – my vocabulary is limited 

I cannot touch the words of other field – I cannot learn the vocabulary of other topics/don’t get the chance to learn the vocabulary of other topics 

Speaking exercise

I am a lot older than you. I was born in 1981. I am from Jiangsu province, it’s about 1 hour by train. Now, I work as a risk manager in a state-own company in LJZ. It’s about 15 years totally. My work is to assess the project. More than 70% of our customers are from outside China. Sometimes, I should write English email to our customer.

I think my biggest problem is I cannot communicate with some of our foreign customers very well. For example, during the foreign conversation and I should organise the information and translate. Now, I listening has improved. Sometimes I like to watching movie, American movie. But, I cannot follow the subtitle. If I don’t watch the subtitle, I cannot follow. In the past, I once try, a very famous English TV series, “Friends”. But, they speak too fast, I cannot follow.


I am a lot older than you. I was born in 1981. I am from Jiangsu province, it’s about 1 hour by train. Now, I work as a risk manager in a state-own company in LJZ. It’s about 15 years in total/I have been living in SH for 15 years. My work is to assess the project. More than 70% of our customers are from outside China. Sometimes, I have to/must write English emails to our customers.

I think my biggest problem/issue is I cannot communicate with some of our foreign customers very fluently/smoothly. For example, when having a daily conversation, I need to organise what I want to say in Chinese beforehand and then translate to English. Now, my listening has improved. Sometimes, I like to watch movies, especially American movies. But, I cannot follow the subtitles. If I don’t read the subtitles, I cannot follow. In the past, I once tried watching a very famous English TV series, “Friends”, but, they speak too fast, I could not follow.


project – pro jet (t is soft)

projector –  pro-jet-ter

colleagues – call-lea-eeks (gue is silent)