VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]

Needs more review

remote control – what you use to change the temperature of sth/move a car

ex. Use the remote control to turn on the fan.

pretend – to act like another person/character/animal; to act as if sth is true even if it’s not

ex. He pretended to not know me when I walked past him.

ex. My classmates pretended to be the teacher when the teacher is not around.


noisy – making a lot of loud, annoying noise

ex. This boy on the left is very noisy.


ex. There is a mischievous boy in my class who likes to paint his hair.

nickname – a name given to you that your friends or family call you instead of your real name

ex. My nickname is “Goose”.

ex. My classmates gave me this nickname because I burped.

burp – the sound you make after you eat a lot

ex. Everyone laughed at me when I burped out loud.

ex. The girls got mad because the boy on their table burped in their face.

surname – a common name that your family shares

ex. Richard’s surname is “Li”.

star sign – 星座


throw sth at sbd 

ex. The kids in my art class love to throw paint at the teacher.

describing the number of people at a place/in a group

big -> small 

Speaking exercise

They paint cup make the cup green then throw to the girls and teacher or put on their hair.

First, they would make the cup’s water green then throw it at the girls and the teacher or put green paint on their hair.

Maybe I’m not friends with them.

I think I’m not friends with them.

Yes, we have 7 kids in our class and 4 kids in the same class.

Yes, we have 7 kids in our class and 4 (kids) are from the same school same class. 2 Out of the other 3 are from another school and one is from another school.  

This is very naughty and this is a little bit naughty.

This boy/kid/child/person is very naughty and this one a little bit naughty.

me is boy.

I’m a boy.