VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


Write a few sentences using the vocabulary below.


energetic: 活力

eg. She is an energetic new student.

demanding: needing a lot of time, attention, or energy 費時費力的

eg. He’s a very demanding child.

disorganised: badly planned and without order 組織ä¸å–„çš„

eg. My client’s teams are very disorganised.

advantage: 优势


eg. What is the advantage of working in this industry?

careless: 粗心的

eg. Mark makes careless mistakes every day.

rewarding: 有æˆå°±

eg. My job is very rewarding.

image: 形象

eg. Celebrities put in a lot of effort to build a positive image of themselves.

dates: eg,  2016 – two thousand and sixteen or twenty sixteen

1996 – nineteen ninety-six

create: make a group on WeChat

eg. Many new groups are created on WeChat every day.


one or two years – every one to two years

two people under me – two people under my care 

they don’t have a timeline for you – they don’t have a set timeline/schedule  

you can smoking with them – you can smoke with them

in last minute – at the last minute / at the last moment

fan number are larger – fans will grow 

Speaking exercise

The good point is in this industry you haven’t dress very formally. The people you work with are very energetic. The challenge is English. I need to use English to talk with clients. Our clients have many teams that are very messy.

Last weekend, we worked overtime for two days. Most time we discuss with our clients through WeChat. We write the briefing to our creative team and we can past briefing through WeChat. When the WeChat group be built, clients will introduce people.


The good point/aspect/advantage is in this industry is that you don’t need to dress very formally. The people you work with are very energetic. One of the challenges for me is English. I need to use English to talk/communicate with clients. Our clients have many teams that are very disorganised.

Last weekend, we worked overtime for two days. Most of the time, we discuss with our clients through WeChat. We send the brief to our creative team and then we will send the brief via WeChat. When the WeChat group is created, clients will introduce people.


was – wah-s

clients – ca-lie-yents

colleague – call – leagues (silent g)

the – duh

th – the – throw- three

teeth – tooth