VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


12 yuan/RMB – for money

ex. It costs 12 yuan.

bookmark – a piece of paper or card that you use to put in between pages of a book

skull mask – kuluo

forehead – the part of your head above your eyebrows

get married – jie hun

ex. Irma thought that Mr Bean and the woman were going to get married.

church – a place to pray or get married

wedding guests – people who attend the wedding

a few mins ago – before

a few mins later – after


towards – to that direction

ex. I threw a ball towards you.

ex. The guests saw the flowers coming towards them.

Speaking exercise

A lot of 3 bookmark.

My shoes, there’s a lot of small stones in it. It’s very uncomfortable.

My shoes have a lot of small stones in it. It’s very uncomfortable.

We need to set-up and all students came, they bought a lot of things.

We need to set-up and all of the students came, they bought a lot of/many things.

We were the last students to go inside/enter the classroom.

I will break soon.

Today’s Irma’s birthday, but Mr Bean helps another woman to go wedding. But, Irma sees this and she thinks Mr Bean want to get married with that woman. But, in fact, Mr Bean just helps that woman. When Mr Bean drives his car near the church, Mr Bean’s car is broken and Mr Bean borrow Irma’s bicycle and goes to the church with another woman. Then, Irma said, “This is mine!” Another man said, “This is mine too!” Then, another woman throws a bunch of flowers to the people. Irma gets this and she is very happy.


Today is Irma’s birthday, but Mr Bean helps another woman to go to/make it to her wedding. But, Irma sees this and she thinks Mr Bean wants to get married to that woman. But, in fact, Mr Bean just wants to help that woman. When Mr Bean drives his car towards the church, Mr Bean’s car breaks down and Mr Bean borrows Irma’s bicycle and goes to the church with another woman. Then, Irma said, “He is mine!” Another man said, “She is mine too!” Then, the woman throws a bunch of flowers towards the guests. Irma gets this and she is very happy.


mine – mah-in