VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


sunrise – sunset 

flat land – not steep

eagle – big bird that eats meat

elder – someone with a well-respected position in society

ex. The village elders gathered to make the final decision.

steep slope/mountain – rise or fall at a sharp angle

oxygen – the air you breathe

cooked through – fully cooked

ready-made meals – prepared beforehand

Speaking exercise

Basic I have 18 days.

I have 18 days for my base holiday.

My travel plan is to finish the area same as Tibet.

My travel plan is to visit all area similar to Tibet.

I already been to the area in 10 year. In this October, I have been to the GS.

I have already been to this area 10 years ago. This October, I have been to GS.

I want to use this COVID stage to travel inside China.

I want to use this COVID-19 time period to travel within/in China.

It’s very interesting such as their history. First, it started from SC and then someone been to the GS.

Many parts of their culture are very interesting such as their history. First, it started in SC and then someone went to GS. 

This animal need to feed by glass.

This animal feeds on grass. 

I see the one girl is fall down.

I saw one girl who fell down/collapsed. 

When their people die, they send the people to the mountain and let the bird eat them.

When their people die, they bring their body to the mountain and let the eagle eat them.

You can use the foot.

You can walk there/go on/by foot.  

If you want meat to taste good you should cook more time.

If you want the meat to taste good you should cook for a longer time.

When we in CD.

When we were in CD


grass – g-ras

glass – g-las

sacrifice – seh-kree-faiz

horse – hors

house – haus

oxygen – ork-see-jen