VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]

Needs more review

customer – the person who goes to the store to buy things

ex. The customer was very angry because she received the wrong item.

ex. The shopping centre has many customers today.


Did you take/have a break? – stop to have a rest, eat or play

pay – give money to someone to buy something

ex. You pay the cashier first before you take your shopping home.

ex. How much do I need to pay for this?

passenger – someone who is sitting on a bus, train, car, plane etc. but you are not the driver

ex. Passengers on a plane/bus/train

fencing – 击剑

I like soccer/it a little/I quite like it

rugby – 橄榄çƒ

random – happening by chance éšæœºçš„

ex. Most of the sports we do in school are random.

ex. Pick a random number from 1-10.

translator – the person who tells you what something is from one language to another

ex. We have a translator who helps to translate what our Spanish teacher says.

collapse – to fall down suddenly because it’s weak

ex. The building collapse because it’s too old.


sheep – sheep (singular/plural) 

if you have 3 items: 

oranges, apples and bananas

4 items: 

sweets, chocolates, ice-cream and meat

it has/they have – it (singular) has/they(plural) have 

had – past tense

Speaking exercise

I like eat them but I don’t like eating hard sweets.

I like eating them but I don’t like eating hard sweets.

I like meat, vegetable and sheeps.

I like meat, vegetable and sheep. 

If I have sweets, chocolate, ice-cream if chocolate is like soft sweet then maybe I can eat 5 a-day.

If I have sweets, chocolate and ice-cream and the chocolate is soft then I can eat 5 a-day.

Yes, but now maybe not have. Maybe 2017 or 2018 is have soccer. 2 months ago I had fencing.

Yes, but, maybe I don’t have anything now. Between 2017 and 2018, I had soccer. 2 months ago I had fencing.

It’s like grade 1, we have like rugby and grade 2 we have baseball and grade 3 we had soccer.

In grade 1, we had like rugby and in grade 2, we had baseball and in grade 3, we had soccer.


walked – walk-d (silent e)

turned – turn-d (silent e)

collapsed – callaps-d (silent e)