VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


Tell me about your wedding. Use the vocabulary you learnt today.


fringe – 刘海

ex. Many years ago I had a fringe.

ex. I got a new fringe.

makeover – a set of changes to make you look better

ex. She had a nice makeover over the weekend.

ex. I had a recent makeover after winning the lottery.

jawline – 下颌

lottery – lotto

my jaw is very sharp/my jawline is very defined 

browse the internet/an app – look-up æµè§ˆ

scroll an app/my phone –  滑

notification – a pop-up that reminds you of sth/gives you some information

ex. It’s a constant nightmare to receive so many notifications on the phone.

nightmare – a bad dream

Once you search for information/a product/news, many related searches will pop-up/show up/will be recommended to you

earrings – 耳环

wedding gift/souvenir – what you give the guests after the wedding

I had/took a holiday/I applied for 10 days annual leave 

I’m not an ethnic minority – å°‘æ•°æ°‘æ—

wedding money – money you get from the guests

If I didn’t attend their wedding and I didn’t give them money, then I can’t invite them to my wedding

at the same time – åŒæ—¶

I suggest/advise that they don’t go

fat chance! – no chance/unlike to happen

ex. Going abroad to travel!? Fat chance!

accept – to be okay with sth

ex. He did not accept my plan.

expect – not looking forward to

ex. I don’t need to expect any good news from work.

ex. My boss told me to have no expectations.

I will feel even more disappointed –更失望


let – let (past tense)  

Speaking exercise

Many years ago I had fringe.

Many years ago I had a fringe.

Just change my hairstyle.

I only changed my hairstyle/I got a new haircut. 

I get married two weeks ago but originally I plan to take wedding souvenir to here to give you guys.

I got married two weeks ago but originally I planned to bring my wedding souvenir to here to give you guys.

Yesterday, I just make up the sweets.

Yesterday, I just packaged the wedding souvenirs 

Because I didn’t stay at home for a long time so there are not many friends in XJ.

Because I haven’t been living at home/in XJ for a long time so I don’t have many friends in XJ.

Wedding days two days ago

Two days before the wedding. 


ear – year

colleague – coh-leeks

relatives – rare-la-tives