VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]

Today we focused on:

Reading “Robbers at the Museum”


take a rest/break – have some time to relax or have a meal

ex. I have 1 hour to take a rest during lunchtime.

fantastic – very good

ex. We had a fantastic time last weekend.

ex. You look fantastic in that shirt!

sign – a picture giving information, directions, warnings etc.

ex. road signs/bathroom signs

music notes – signs you see in music class

security guard – someone who stands by the door of a building

cafe/coffee shop – a shop that sells coffee

blink – to close your eyes and open again instantly

ex. How many times can your eyes blink in a minute?

cold colours – blue, grey, purple, dark green, brown

warm colours –  red, orange, yellow

Speaking exercise

It’s enjoy.

It’s enjoyable 

I forget.

I forgot already 

Maybe the robbers cannot see because they are colourful and the statues are this colour.

Maybe the robbers cannot see them because they are colourful and the statues are not colourful. 

A little bit good.

It’s pretty good/It’s alright. 

Pictures of cities, people and forest.

I like pictures of cities, people and forests. 

it’s very like orange, purple.

It looks like orange and purple/It’s a mix of orange and purple. 


statues – stat-choos

asks – ask-ses

cafe – ka-fei