VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


template – an example of a pattern that you can use to create others

around the clock – without stopping

ex. She worked around the clock for 1 month.

idiot – stupid

handpicked – someone carefully chosen for a special purpose

ex. Our hosts are handpicked from a talent pool.

cut corners – take shortcuts

ex. Don’t cut corners on this project – it has to be done thoroughly.

ex. They’re always finding ways to cut corners.

handheld vacuum/camera – can be used easily with one or both hands


Present perfect tense – up till point of asking

has/have + third past tense (gone/played/been/travelled)

Have you done it yet?

Why haven’t you done this yet?

ex. I have done it already/No, I haven’t done it yet.

ex. I haven’t done it yet because…

do – present tense

did – past tense

ex. Do you know when is the next update?

ex. Did you finish your work?

– Are you expecting them to complete the task already?

Speaking exercise

T-mall give us some banners, models…

T-mall provides us with some templates of banners, models…

Buy one free one

Buy one get one free 

Some brands they hire some vendors…

Some brands they outsource to some vendors…

If they have good looking.

If they have good looks/are good looking 

We can get some learning and finding in different campaigns.

We can learn and accumulate experience from different campaigns.

It is helpful to rich my experience

It is helpful for me to enrich my experience