VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


What would you do for one day if you cannot leave an empty, white room?

Needs more review

calligraphy – 书法

ex. I should write “calligraphy” down in calligraphy class so that I can remember it.

ex. Calligraphy is very difficult so you must practice every day.


flat – å¹³

ex. Some calligraphy writing must be flat.

ex. The ice on the river must be completely flat for you to skate on it.

bite –  咬

ex. a mosquito bite

ladder – a staircase

ex. You can climb on top of the ladder to kill mosquitoes.

cauliflower – a white vegetable with green leaves

broccoli – a green vegetable with green leaves

similar – like sth

ex. Apples and oranges are similar in size.

ex. Brocolli and cauliflower look similar.

taste – how you describe something that you eat

ex.  Lemon tastes sour.

ex. Sweet food tastes better than bitter food.

ice tea = cold tea

lollipop – round candy on a stick

croissant – å¯é¢‚

I can go underground 

Speaking exercise

Some people is not my rival because they’re too dumb.

The school’s very hard 题目 is just like very easy to me. I just teach some easy question, the school question.

Today, a mosquito bite me. I can cut the mosquito very fast and my grandfather can’t because the mosquito fly very fast.

But, some mosquito is too high.


Some people are not my rival because they’re too dumb.

The school’s very hard/difficult questions are just like very easy to me. I only want to teach some easy questions, school questions. 

Today, a mosquito bit me. I can catch/hit/kill the mosquito very quickly, but my grandfather can’t because mosquitos fly very fast.

But, some mosquitos fly too high.


sheet – she-eet (long vowel)

croissant – qua-ssant