VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


homeowner:  someone who owns a home

timeline: å…ˆåŽé¡ºåº

clues = hints 

cult: a religious group that has extreme beliefs 邪教

catholic: 天主教

eg. Is she catholic?

telegram: a piece of paper with a message sent by telegraph 电报

eg. The telegram took 2 weeks to arrive.

intercept: to stop and catch something or someone before that thing or person is able to reach a particular place 拦截,截ä½

eg. The agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Central America.

coincidence: an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising å·§åˆï¼Œç¢°å·§çš„事

eg. You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us – what a coincidence!


at weekdays not that busy so.. – it is not so busy during the weekdays

economy newspapers – economic newspapers

I not read a lot of books – I don’t read a lot of books

right now it is low efficiency – not very efficient

house master – homeowner 

time background – timeline 

pay responsibility for the dying – be responsible for the deaths 

document – dormitory 

equipment is more advantage – equipment is more advanced 

Americans come in their information – Americans intercept their information

invited – invented 

Speaking exercise

There is an interesting series but it is already finish. It is called “Why Women Kill”. It is an interesting big house in expensive area. It is like a small castle, very big. Around 30 years, the house master changes. In the end, the husband always gets killed by the wife. Some cheating, some abuse. The wife all very different, the first one is like a maid, she cleans the house etc. The second one is a rich housewife, she owns expensive things etc.


There I have watched is an interesting series but it is already finished. It is called “Why Women Kill”. It is set in an interesting big house in an expensive area. It is like a small castle which is very big. Around every 30 years, the homeowner changes. In the end, the husband always gets killed by the wife. There are some cheating, some abuse. The wives are all very different, the first one is like a maid, she cleans the house etc. The second one is a rich housewife, she owns expensive things etc.