VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


musicals – a play or film in with singing and dancing

sleep – verb

sleepy – adj

when I watch musicals I will feel sleepy 

I don’t like movies with slow tempo/pacing 

episode – 一集

go to work/get off work

How’s your day/How’s work?

northern lights/aurora – 极光

run after/go after – to chase

hostel – 青年旅舍

Santa Claus – 圣诞老人


*if you express general opinion of something, always use the plural 

eg. I like big cities because it’s modern

eg. I prefer watching movies that are face-paced.

Speaking exercise

I think this kind of movie like Tenet is good.

I like the American version and England version.

We always have a lesson after I off work.

Every year, I spend my National Day with my friends. We will go abroad, but this year we can’t. We plan to go to Hawaii but because the COVID-19, we cancelled. I like beach more than the mountain view. The biggest reason is the beach. We bought the tickets and the hotel.

Hawaii means freedom for us and relax.

I have been to Finland and Iceland. We tried our best. We run after the northern lights, but we didn’t see it. There is nothing interesting in Finland. We saw the Christmas Village. I like it, but that’s the only place I like. I don’t recommend my friends.

I think my friends have the same thoughts with me. I think the reason why I don’t like Finland is there is no nature view and there is no city view.


I think movies like Tenet are good.

I like the American version and the British version.

We always have a lesson after I get off/finish work.

Every year, I spend my National Holidays with my friends. We will go abroad, but this year we can’t. We planned to go to Hawaii, but because of the COVID-19, we cancelled. I like beaches more than mountain views. The main reason is the beach. We bought the tickets and booked the hotel.

Hawaii to us means freedom relaxation.

I have been to Finland and Iceland. We tried our best. We ran after/chased the northern lights, but we didn’t see it. There is nothing interesting in Finland. We went to the Christmas Village. I like it, but that’s the only place I like. I don’t recommend it my friends.

I think my friends have/share the same thoughts/opinion as me. I think the reason why I don’t like Finland is because there are no nature views and no city views.