VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


the day before/2 days ago

last last night – 2 nights ago

spoilers – information that gives away a movie or tv show

simultaneously – at the same time

eg. Both the red and blue team are doing things simultaneously.

time travelling – to go back or forth in time

ex. I went to HZ on Friday.

ex. My friend will come to SH to see me for 3 days.

the main character/the protagonist – 男主

the supporting character – 男二

reverse – backwards

eg. The blue team is doing things in reverse.

I think (the story) is complete 

surpass – to take over sth

eg. Second movies rarely surpass the original.


come/go – think about the direction

Speaking exercise

we prepared from the last day 

we prepared from the day before 

I went back to SH from 1 o’clock

I came back to SH at 1 o’clock

I know the film is complicated before. I’m afraid that I can’t understand the movie.  If you say it’s the time concept then it is not return the time. Because the enemy, they also do the same thing so they need the two teams to against the enemy at the same time.

I think they didn’t understand the movie.

I think the second movie can’t surpass the first. The second movie even will have some bad impact to the first one. If the second one couldn’t explain very well then the first one would be bad. I think the good movie which can make people imagine.


I know the film is complicated from before/before I watch it. I was afraid that I couldn’t understand the movie.  If you talk about the time concept then it is not about time travel. Because the enemy, they also do the same thing so they need the two teams to fight against the enemy at the same time/simultaneously.

I think (my friends) they didn’t understand the movie.

I think the second movie won’t surpass the first. The second movie will even have a bad impact on/will badly affect the first one. If the second one can’t explain/connect the first movie well then it would be very bad. I think a good movie should leave people imagining/be open to imagination.Â