VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]

Today we focused on:

You can finish watching the movie:

Finish reading the book in your own time.

Speaking exercise

There is one storm and they have to get two of each animal. They are talking about an angel and God’s thumb. In 30, they’re talking about their birthday. Stanley is still teaching zero how to read and teach him a lot of words. When Zero wants to get out of Camp Greenlake. When Zero run away, Stanley is very angry – he is angry at everyone because Zero helped him a lot of times. These 6 boys and other people are finding zero.


There is a storm and all of them have to get two of each animal. They are talking about an angel and God’s thumb. In chapter 30, they’re talking about their birthdays. Stanley is still teaching zero how to read and he teaches him a lot of words. When Zero wants to get out of Camp Greenlake. When Zero runs away, Stanley becomes very angry – he is angry at everyone and himself because Zero helped him a lot of/many times. The boys of group D and the others are looking for Zero.Â