VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


amusement/theme parks – like Disneyland

ride: the machines that you sit on at the theme park

haunted house: a house with many ghosts, scary things etc.

night market: outdoor market at night

priority: the most important thing

eg. My priority in the next two weeks is to finish my homework.

eg. Sarah completed her job by focusing on her main priorities first.

well behaved/behave well

corgi: 柯基

stripes: a type of pattern with lines on clothing, animal fur


at – night/noon/midnight

on – the road/the table

in – the morning/afternoon/evening

Speaking exercise

Because I will for only two weeks so I will do the school homework very quickly. No, I have many.

I think I need more time to do it quickly.

My aunt have a card so can go to Disneyland very easily.

In there, there is a Ferris wheel like this. There is also a rollercoaster, but it’s too fast.

Hong Kong Disneyland is small.

Maybe I can’t finish my homework before go to school.

Everyone thinks this cat is orange but my cat is grey. In the night she will be very crazy. In day she sleeps very much and in the night she will play. 2 years old.

I want a dog and it is very big big dog. I like the Alaskan Malamute. I also like Corgi. I think that if we have a dog we will very busy.

I have a friend and she has sheperd and it’s a very big dog.

I have seen that dog in the road. I think they’re so funny and stupid.

I prefer cats because they are cuter. I don’t like black Garfields, escpecially when it is dark and it is look at you.


Because I only have two weeks left before school so I need to do my homework very quickly. No, I have a lot of homework. 

I think I need more time to do it quickly.

My aunt has a card so we can go to Disneyland very easily.

Over there, there is a Ferris wheel like this. There is also a rollercoaster, but it’s too fast.

Hong Kong Disneyland is small.

Maybe I won’t be able to finish my homework before I go to school.

Everyone thinks this type of cat is orange but my cat is grey. At night, she will become crazy. During the day, she sleeps a lot/all day and at night she will play. (She is ) 2 years old.

I want a dog and I would like a very big dog. I like the Alaskan Malamute. I also like the Corgi. I think that if we have a dog we will be very busy.

I have a friend and she has a sheperd dog and it’s a very big dog.

I have seen that dog on the road. I think they’re so funny/goofy and stupid.

I prefer cats because they are cuter. I don’t like black Garfields, especially when it is dark and it is looking at you.