VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]

Next Class Focus

Go over ending of chapter 12.


Read chapters 13 – 18. Write a short summary for each chapter.

Today we focused on:

Chapters 11-12

Movie 21:27


smug: too pleased or satisfied with something you have done or know

eg. Although she won the award, people were not happy with it because she’s been smug about it.

eg. He had a smug grin on his face.

veterinarian/vet (for short)

Speaking exercise

One character called X-Ray, I think it’s weird.

It’s simple to remember.

Because everyone go to the camp are all bad kid, but Stanley is a good kid.

X-ray always at the front of the line.

I think the kids are all listening to Mr Sir and they’re very thin. I think Stanley is a good boy.


(There is) One character called X-Ray, I think his name is weird/strange. 

It’s easy to remember.

Because everyone who goes to the camp is a bad kid, but Stanley is a good kid.

X-ray is always at the front of the line.

I think the kids are all listen to/take orders from Mr Sir and they’re very thin. I think Stanley is a good boy.