VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


Pick a book from home and you can tell me about the story.


mode: ways for you to choose 模式

eg. Minecraft has three modes.

eg. This camera has 7 modes for you to choose from.

online: on the internet

eg. You can play online with other people.

eg. There are many online games that you can play with on the phone.

blow up/explode – to go BOOOM

eg, The creeper can blow up into pieces.

shoot: to fire a bullet or arrow at someone 射(箭);发射

eg. This monster can shoot arrows at you.

shoot/fire arrows at somebody

fight: to hit or kick somebody

eg. The kids fight with each other every day.

eg. I don’t like to fight with this monster.

health – HP in the game

eg. It takes 6 people to kill this monster because he has a lot of health.

become: to change into

eg. The grass can become air.

eg. If the zombie throws fire at you, you will become fire.


in the world/in town/in the forest/in the game

in 2015/2018 – for years 

hungry better 

become more/less hungry

well – adverb

ex. Johnny runs very well. 

ex. How well does he run?

good – adjective

ex. Johnny is a good runner.

ex. He is a very good player.

Speaking exercise

It can have three modes. It can make a house or computer or earth. In the game, you can do anything on the world.

It maybe have 1000 people or more.

I use iphone, ipad and computer to play Minecraft.

This monster is the creeper and he can blow up. This is can to shoot arrows.

Maybe he can fight with you.

They have three heads. When you kill this monster you have two points. If you kill him you can have this.

This monster has this much health.

This is a big zombie, he can’t walk.

He fight is very good.


It has three modes. You can make a house, a computer or the earth. In the game, you can do anything in the world.

Maybe there are more than 900 million people.

I use the iphone, ipad and the computer to play Minecraft.

This monster is the creeper and he can blow up. This monster can shoot arrows.

Maybe he will fight with you.

They have three heads. When you kill this monster you get/receive two points. If you kill him you can have this.

This monster has too much health.

This is a big zombie and he can’t walk.

He fights very well.