VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


Finish the story from the worksheet.


break: to destroy something like a car, your leg, a table

brake: to stop a car

turtle – the slow animal with a shell

kilometres per hour/km/h – unit for speed

travelling – movement

eg. The car is travelling at 50km/h .


find out – discover/previously don’t know

ex. I found out that he lied to me from his sister.

ex. I found out that he is actually is a policeman. – you know this from another person or by yourself

know – knowledge/information

ex. I know he is a policeman. – he tells you

ex. I know that turtles are slow from watching a documentary.

Future tense 

will + verb – facts and certainties

ex. I will turn 26 tomorrow.

ex. The car will crash into the turtle – it must happen

going to + verb – plans/decisions

ex. I’m going to Japan in two weeks.

ex. The car is going to crash into the turtle.  – it will happen if the turtle doesn’t move or the car doesn’t stop

Writing exercise

Sonic runs in front of the policeman’s car and the policeman uses his machine and know Sonic’s speed is more than 400. Then, a road turtue is walk across the road and a car will crash it, so Sonic pick it up and run, so the turtue is very happy because it’s very fast.

Sonic goes to his house. Then, he runs in a washing machine and and plays ping pong. After that, he plays music. Finally he sleeps in the sofa.

Sonic and the policeman are in the car and a bad car is follow them, so Sonic hits the. car and it broken. Then it born another car, so Sonic uses it weapon to destroy it. After that it born another robot, so the policeman brakes it. Finally, it born a little plane and it broken too.


Sonic runs in front of the policeman’s car and the policeman uses his speed machine to find out Sonic’s speed and he is running at 400km/h. Then, a turtle walks across the road and a car is going to crash it, so Sonic picks it up and runs. The turtle is very happy because they’re running/travelling very fast.

Sonic goes to his house which is a cave. Then, he runs in a washing machine and and plays ping pong alone. After that, he plays music. Finally he sleeps on the sofa.

Sonic and the policeman are in the car and a bad guy’s car follows them, so Sonic hits the car and it’s broken. Then, another car is created from the broken car so Sonic uses the car’s weapon to destroy it. After that it becomes another robot with one wheel, so the policeman breaks it. Finally, it becomes a little plane and it is also broken.