VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


TV series/drama/show

everything as usual – normal

extra/additional time

get sick: not feel well

eg. I got sick last month so I took one day off.

eg. How often do you get sick in a year?

day off: one-day holiday

annual leave: paid number of days off each year

unreasonable: not fair or acceptable

eg. Working with him is awful because he’s so unreasonable.

eg. He’s always making unreasonable demands on my time.

take a rest/break

injection: putting liquid into someone’s body using a needle and a syringe

eg. She received an injection today at the hospital today.

eg. Some people need daily injections for a long-term illness.

IV drip: 点滴

infect: to pass a disease to another person or animal

eg. Many people in Wuhan were infected by COVID-19.

eg. What will you do if you are infected by the virus?

to get a check-up/test done

lungs: 肺

spontaneous: without planning

eg. We had no plans to go on a trip – it was a spontaneous thing.

eg. Everyone likes him because of his spontaneous, lively character.

time is limited – not enough time

I have poor/good self-discipline

awkward: embarrassed or nervous 尴尬的

eg. They are always awkward around each other.

eg. I find it hard to talk with him – he’s so awkward.

one year ago/two years ago


as……as a/an…. – to make comparisons

eg. I’m as white as a sheet of paper.

eg. Annie said she’s as strong as a bull.

Speaking exercise

Tomorrow I will absent so I will work at home.

Last week I was very busy and I felt upset. I had to work overtime for three days. Every time I had to work two additional hours. Because my boyfriend got sick for few days and he didn’t get better so I need to take care of him. I have many works to do so if I need to take a day off from work I should work at home. Every year I can plus one day so this year I have 14 days off. Our company give us 5 days when I stay in company by 1 year.

He want me take one day off to take care of him.

When I ask my leader, I told her “I want to take a day off”. She will ask me “Do you have something important to do?” Most of the time, I felt guilty so I will told her “I will work at home.”

I think my work is very important so I need to finish them immediately. I need to pretend I’m very serious.

For these days, he always felt uncomfortable. He always complain. In the weekend, we went to hospital to get an IV injection/drip. Last Thursday, he got fever to 38 for 2 days.

When she teaches me new grammar, she will be very serious.

He looks mean and he is very insist about topics. I can choose but at the beginning I always didn’t know which topics I can choose but he insist you must to choose a topic.


Tomorrow I will be absent from work so I will work from/at home.

Last week I was very busy and I felt upset. I had to work overtime for three days and each day, I had to work two additional/extra hours. Because my boyfriend got sick for a few days and he didn’t get better so I need to take care of him. I have a lot of work to do so if I need to take a day off from work I should work from home. Our company give us 5 days when I stay on the company for one extra year. I can get one more day off every year so now I have 14 days off.

He wants me take/apply for one day off to take care of/look after him.

When I asked my leader, I told her “I want to take/apply for a day off”. She asked me “Do you have something important to do?” Most of the time/Usually, I would feel guilty so I will tell her “I will work at home.”

I think my work is very important so I need to finish them immediately. I need to pretend that I’m very serious.

These days/Recently, he always feels uncomfortable. He always complains. In the weekend, we went to the hospital to get an IV injection/drip. Last Thursday, he got a 38 degrees fever for 2 days.

When she teaches me new grammar, she will be very serious.

He looks mean and he is very insistent on a particular topic. I can choose but at the beginning, I always didn’t know which topics to choose, but he insists that you must choose a topic.