VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


hold a grudge: to harbour resentment or ill feelings toward someone

eg. Sarah is just so forgiving—I don’t think she’s ever held a grudge in her life!

eg. Johnny has been holding a grudge against me for years because I made fun of him in front of everyone.

Speaking exercise

Because they’re so unpredictable. You can never count one.

They tend to hide things from themselves. They’re very judgemental and they are picky. They are speculating the dark sides of your mind.

You know she gets mad so easily so she cried a lot. So sentimental.

I gonna definitely skip a ….

It’s just like a random whatever.


Because they’re so unpredictable. You can never count on them. 

They tend to hide things from others/tend to put a wall upfront. They’re very judgemental and picky. They always speculate on the dark sides of your mind.

You know She gets mad very easily and she cried a lot. How sentimental!

I definitely going to skip….

It’s just random lines.