VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


straight: 直的

eg. Hank has straight hair.

eg. This line is not straight.

feet: 脚 (one is foot)

measure: find out the size of something 测量

eg. Have you measured your height?

eg. This machine measures your heart rate.

shorts: short pants

height: how tall you are

2 days ago/the day before yesterday

too expensive/not very cheap

not useful/not effective

Speaking exercise

we do read and talking

Holiday is happy. I do homework and can’t go out. Sometimes I go out draw. We are shopping together and I see the shoes. It’s 159 yuan and my mother has a long time to think. This shoes is very good and I not have any good shoes. I have two shoes and one shoes is small. My this one is grow very fast.

In 3 years ago, I very fat and white. In 4 years I’m thin and black.


we do reading and talking.

The holiday is a good time. I do my homework but I can’t go out. Sometimes I go out to have art class. We were shopping together and I saw the shoes. It’s 159 yuan and my mother thought for a long time. These shoes are very good and I don’t have any good shoes. I have two shoes and one shoe is small. My feet are growing very fast.

When I was 3 years old, I was very fat and white. When I was 4 years old, I was thin and black.