VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


Practise writing 5 role-plays asking for/giving directions

Next Class Focus



go over/look at

eg. We’ll go over the notes from last class first.

across from/opposite

eg. The library is opposite/across from the post office.

eg. Is the clinic opposite the bakery?

on the right/left

eg. Walk along the Main street and the bakery is on the left.

between A and B: in the middle

eg. The toy store is between the bank and the barbershop.

eg. The shopping mall is between the parking lot and the road.

next to: just near you

eg. We are located next to JingAn Temple.

walk along/go straight

eg. Walk along the Main street.

eg. Go straight on Nanjing Road and turn left.

turn left/right

eg. Turn left when you see the shopping mall.

eg. Go straight and turn left on the first intersection.

intersection: where two roads join 交叉口

turn around: 回转

it’s nearby/close by

kilometres/km: 公里

eg. It’s 3km away from here.

metro/subway/underground line 2/3/4/5/6

eg. Take metro line 2 heading towards Pudong Airport.

reach: arrive at a place

eg. When you reach the ground floor of the building, call me.

eg. Walk along Main street and when you reach the intersection, turn left.

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th floor

eg. Starbucks is on the 4th floor in the shopping mall.

roundabout: 圆环

eg. Take the second exit to your left (at this roundabout).

take exit 4/head towards exit 4


the – singular/plural/specific

a/an – singular/general

eg. I live in a house. The house is blue.

The children’s hospital is next to my house.

Cows like to eat grass.

Speaking exercise

A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the park from the shopping mall?

B: Walk along Nanjing West Rd and when you reach the/arrive at the third intersection, you will see the office building on the left.

A: Thank you.

You take a metro 2 line to Central Avenue. Transfer to metro line 9 and you could get to the shopping mall.

First, you can go on Third Avenue and when you are on the intersection of Third Avenue and River Street, you will see the post office.


You can take line 2 to Central Avenue. Then transfer to line 9 and the shopping mall is 4 stops from there.

First, you can walk along Third Avenue and when you reach the intersection between Third Avenue and River Street, you will see the post office.

If you are driving

A: After 100 metres, take the exit on the right.

A: After 200 metres take the second exit to your right.