VIP Class Notes (Li)[R]

Today we focused on:

Adverbs – describing people’s actions


honest: telling the truth 诚实的

eg. William is an honest young boy.

dishonest: not truthful 不诚实的

eg. She is always dishonest to strangers.

enough: more than necessary 够吗

eg. Have I given you enough money?

eg. She is not cleaning fast enough.

accurately: correct, without mistakes 准确

eg. Alex is taking the time to write the answers accurately.

eg. It is difficult to accurately know when it will rain.

quickly: faster

eg. He wants to finish his work quickly while making fewer mistakes.

eg. Eve speaks too quickly.

leave: to go away from someone or something 离开;离去;走开

eg. She should try to leave work earlier.

eg. You should leave before the store shuts.


Adverbs – describes people’s actions

eg. I drive very carelessly.

eg. She works carefully.

Some adverbs end with -ly 

eg. slowly/carelessly/quickly/loudly 

Others are irregular

eg. hard/better/well/later/early 


Billy’s teacher talked with him today. In general, she doesn’t think Billy is doing very well in school. He has to do better. According to Billy’s teacher, he arrives at school too late. He should arrive earlier. In addition, he dresses sloppily. He should dress more neatly. Furthermore, he speaks too impolitely. He should speak more politely. Billy wants to do well in school, and he knows now that he has to try a little harder.


talked – tawk-d

quickly – qui-k-ly

earlier – uh-lier