VIP Class Notes (Lindsay)


Sniff 嗅,闻气味

Eg: the bear sniffs honey on the tree.

smell 闻味道

Eg: The bear smells the bees and finds honey.

stung (sting过去式)刺,刺痛

Eg: The bee stung the bear’s nose.



put phone in the box , eg: you have books in your backpack

put phone on the table eg: you ate noodle with meat on top, meat on the noodle

into (similar to in, but telling the action/process ) eg: the bear put his brown head into the dark hold

Climb up/ down eg: the bear climbs up/ down the tree

past tense:

tell- told eg: I told a story to my mother

go-went eg: I went to the park yesterday. I go to park today.


Stop- stopped






Honey [e]

walk [o:]

could [u:] *

thought [th]

laugh [a:]

time [i]

Speaking exercise

Mr bean video S3E1

He is with a boy, and he is at home. He wants a video game station. The weather is cold. He goes to a video game store for shopping. He waits in line for the whole nightHe is sleeping at the store. In the morning, there are more people wait in line. The car is on the street. A woman writes a ticket. Mr bean is at the back of the line. 


美国小学英语Little bear and the honey P54-59