VIP Class Notes (Lindsay)


American English —- bunny plays a trick


Bunny  = small rabbit, baby rabbit

trick = a joke/ make fun of you 把戏

live =stay eg: I live in shanghai

own = belongs to someone

fly over to Harbin, over means it is very far away and takes long time

go in the back door 进入

come out the front door 离开

Go down the road 下楼去哪里

Hop = rabbit jump

think- thought -thought 想/觉得, eg:i think today’s weather is great

Speaking exercise

Mr bean S3E2

Mr bean was reading/ read the book. He saw sofa is broken. He ordered a new blue sofa. The guy took mr bean to lunch. And mr bean ate a lot. Mr bean didn’t own the sofa. The bill was very long because Mr bean ate a lot of food in the restaurant for lunch. Mr bean went to the toilet and ran home. The grandma was eating a cake with the guy/ man and Mr bean moved the chair downstairs.