VIP Class Notes *2 (Lindsay)


Material: Diary of a wimpy kid 4 —-p96-100

Speaking exercise

Spongebob video

mr P in the mr crab’s home. Mr crab catches mr p to clean his body and mr p eats a lot of hair of mr crab. He goes back to his computer but computer says he just needs one of his hairneeds hair from each person. And his computer puts mr crab’s hair and mr p’s hair together. Taking their DNA and makIng a new person Mr P Crab. The mr p crab puts mr crab out and becomes the new boss. Mr crab is angry and sad. Mr p’s shop and mr crab’s shop becomes the same one. They are both sad because they lost their shops. They try many different ways but they all failed. They become the employees of the mr p crab’s shop. They wash the toilet and fight. Mr p crab is angry and split into two different people. They both like massaging and become water eventually. After that, mr crab and mr p are both happy because mr p crab is dead and they have their shops back. 


All sorts of stuff =everything

overhear= listen too much

Eg: He overhears our secrets when we are talking.

fake =not real not correct

eg: he thinks our secrets are fake. He wears fake AJ shoes.

throw-up , you throw up 呕吐

Eg: when you are sick, you might throw up.

parking lot= the place to park car

eg: he parks his park in the parking lot

opinion = idea, argument, statement想法

eg: his opinion is different than ours.

grain = cereals 谷物

head up = go straight there

eg: i headed up to learn English from home

suspicious = you are concerned about something and thinking it is not right 怀疑的疑惑地

Eg: when i hide video games, my mom is suspicious on me

witchcraft =magic

beg =ask something badly

eg: i beg my mom to play the video game

approve 同意

eg:your mom approves you to play video games when you are traveling

violence  =killing

Eg: the video game i am playing has a lot of violence

experience = when you have been doing

eg: i  have experience for Hangzhou traveling.

totally = completely, everything

Eg: i totally agree with you. = i agree with you for everything

ruin =destroy 毁坏

eg: the Godzilla ruins our country

dork =dumb person

eventually = finally

eg: he treats the dog really well and eventually the dog likes him a lot.

Stick around = stay around 呆在周围

eg: you like stick around with people who are good at playing video games

set up = form 组织

Eg: you set up a team for different characters in WZRY

character= personality and style 特点

signal 信号

eg: my phone has good signal at home.

orphan =the kids who don’t have mom

Give someone credit =approve what someone did and appreciate it