VIP Class Notes (Lily)[S/R]


1. carpet= rug 地毯

ex: I have a carpet at home.

2. shop= store 商店

ex: My mom likes shopping very much.

3. voice= sound 声音

ex: I heard a loud voice from outside

Speaking exercise

Introduction: Daisy wants to sleep in the night, she in the home and bedroom.

Body: Daisy in the bathroom and wash her teeth. She yawns, she wants sleep. She wants one story and she sleeps.

Conclusion: she is very happy. Tomorrow she eats breakfast.


Introduction: Daisy wants to sleep in the night, she is at home and in the bedroom.

Body: Daisy is in the bathroom and brushes her teeth. She yawns, she wants to sleep. She wants to hear one story from daddy and she sleeps.

Conclusion: She is very happy. Tomorrow she will eat breakfast.

I go to school and learn English and math and Chinese class. Today I eat two orange, and chips and steak. I am very happy because I eat very much.


Today, I went to school and learned English, math and Chinese class. Today I ate two orange, , chips and steak. I am very happy because I ate a lot.


Ali and the magic carpet

One very hot day Ali finds a carpet in his uncle’s shop. ‘What’s this?’

Suddenly the carpet jumps! It moves and flies off into the air.‘Hey! What’s happening?’

A loud booming voice comes from the carpet.‘Welcome, O master. I am a magic carpet.’