VIP Class Notes (Lily)[S]


girl= ge rou s

when= wan

independent= in de pen dent

expensive= x BEN sive

chef= shef

France= fran s

said= sed

internet= inter nei t


1. dye= 染
ex: have you dyed your hair? 你染过头发吗

2. interviewee= 被面试的人
ex: There are 5 interviewees today.

3. candidate= 候选人
ex: I have three candidates I like, I will pick one among them.

4. exclude= 排外 排除
ex: My sister and I always exclude our brother when we go out or do anything.
ex: It feels bad to be excluded from the team.
ex: When would you feel excluded? When my friend starts to hang out with someone else.

5. storage area= 储物空间
ex: I don’t have enough storage area to put my cooking utensils.

6. tuition (two ition)= 学费
ex: I paid the tuition for the cooking class.

7. on the spot= right away
spot= seat 位置
ex: I will correct your pronunciation on the spot. 
ex: In the car accident, he died on the spot.
ex: can you save my spot for me? I need to go to the bathroom.

8. light/ fair/ pale苍白= describe someone who is “white
ex: I looked very pale yesterday because I worked too late.

9. dark/ tanned 晒黑= describe someone who is “black
ex: He is very tanned because he likes the sun.
ex: he got darker after his trip to Hawaii.

10. snack= 小吃 零食
ex: can you eat snacks at work?
ex: Snacks include cookies, yogurts, fruits, chicken nuggets, etc.

11. connections= 关系
ex: if you’re well connected in China, you can find a chilled and high paid job.
ex: you need connections to get the operating license.

Speaking exercise

In my time, I have not enough lucky chance. People always said “lucky is more important than hard working”. I think this sentence is describe my working life. I’m a working hard guy, I lost lucky. I can’t complain other people, because all the this is my choice. The internet industry grows very fast, you will be chased by the young people.


In my life, I haven’t been a lucky person.  enough lucky chance. People always say “lucky is more important than hard working”. I think this sentence describes my working life. I’m a hard working person/girl, I am just not lucky enough. I can’t complain about other people, because I chose this path. The internet industry grows very fast, the young people will catch up to you. you will be chased by the young people.