VIP Class Notes (Lily)[S]


do a writing using the words we learned today


1.go hiking= 爬山
ex: we need to hike up the mountain to see the temple.
ex: I don’t like to go hiking because it’s too tiring.

2. fussy= 毛躁的
ex: Babies are very fussy when they want to sleep.

3. arrow= 箭头
ex: The arrows are not clear in Disneyland.

4. cable car= 缆车
ex: I am scared of height, so I don’t like to take the cable car.

5. acrophobia= 恐高症
ex: I have acrophobia, so I don’t like to look down from a tall place.

6. dual citizenship= 双重国籍
ex: It’s illegal to have dual citizenship from Canada and China.

7. intention= 意愿
intend to (verb)= 想要
intentionally= 有意的
ex: I intend to go back to Canada for the CNY.
ex: it’s not my intention to hurt you.
ex: He bullied her intentionally, because he doesn’t like her.

Speaking exercise

This is a second time I came to Osaka and Kyoto. I remember the last time I went there, I suffered typos. I cannot go back to Shanghai, because airport is on the sea. There is a bridge, the ship break the bridge, so the airport cannot work. We have to take a high speed train to Tokyo. It’s a very enjoyable experience. This time we went there to see maple leaves, it’s very famous in Autumn. It’s very beautiful, you can see different colors of the maple leaves in one tree, some are yellow, green and red. The trip is very tiring, because many temples are on the mountain, so you need to climb.

There is a farm in ShenHu, the sheep don’t afraid of people. If you take some food on your hand, they will chase you. You can see they are eating all the time. I don’t think in guanXi, the good is very delicious, maybe I didn’t find a good restaurant. We think the food in Tokyo and Hokkaido is better. Hokkaido is famous for seafood.

We went to a ShenShe, it’s a place where people make a wish and hang in front of the temple. We saw many interesting wish, like wish for their idol. Also, I saw a lot of wish from HK, I’m not sure if it’s a personal behavior.


This is a second time I went to Osaka and Kyoto. I remember the last time I went there, I suffered from typhoons. I could not go back to Shanghai, because airport is on the sea. There is a bridge that connects the airport, but the ship broke the bridge, so the airport could not function regularly. We had to take a high speed train to Tokyo. It was a very enjoyable experience. This time we went there to see the maple leaves, it’s very famous in Autumn. It’s very beautiful, you can see different colors of the maple leaves on one tree, some are yellow, green and red. The trip is very tiring, because many temples are on the mountain, so you need to hike up.

There is a farm in ShenHu, the sheep are not afraid of people. If you put some food on your hand, they will chase you. You can see they are eating all the time. I don’t think in guanXi, the food is very delicious in GuanXi, maybe I didn’t find a good restaurant. We think the food in Tokyo and Hokkaido is better. Hokkaido is famous for seafood.

We went to a ShenShe, it’s a place where people make a wish and hang in front of the temple. We saw many interesting wishes, like wish for the wellbeing for their idol. Also, I saw a lot of wishes from HK, I’m not sure if it’s a personal behavior/ intention.