VIP Class Notes (Lily)[S]

Speaking exercise

Kitty and Jacob makes snowman in the grassland at night.

It is snowing! Jacob and Kitty will build a snowman. First, they need small snowballs. Kitty take a carrot to be a snowman’s nose and sticks for snowman’s hand. Jacob gave the snowman’s scarf. Snowman will have two eyes. But many days to go, the snowman can be melt because to have a sun.

I learned how can we make a snowman and snowman can to be melt because have a sun.


Kitty and Jacob makes snowman in the grassland at night.

It is snowing! Jacob and Kitty are building a snowman. First, they need to make small snowballs. Kitty takes a carrot to be the snowman’s nose and some sticks for the snowman’s hand. Jacob gives his scarf to the snowman. The snowman has two eyes. But Many days later, the snowman melted because of the sun.

Kitty are Jacob are happy. I learned how to make a snowman and that snowman can to be melted under the sun.


1.snowball= 雪球, balls made out of snow
ex: I like to play snowball fights with Joe.
ex: I can sit on a snowball.

2. build= 建
ex: I can build a small house.
ex: Joe can build a boat.

3. scarf = 围巾,you put around your neck when it’s cold
ex: Lily wears a scarf when it snows.
ex: I haven’t many scarfs –> I don’t have many scarfs. 

4. melt= 融化
ex: Lily’s snowman melted under the sun! Lily is very sad.
ex: Many days later, the snowman melted.