VIP Class Notes (Lily)[R/S]


heart- hART


I haven’t booking–> I don’t have a booking/ I haven’t finished my booking.

who you with –> who were you with?

does she has—- –> does she have…. 


1 free time/ spare time= the time when you have nothing to do

ex: I only work 8 hours a week, i have lots of free/spare time.

2 tell the difference= 分出区别

My sister and I look alike, many people cannot tell the difference.

3. enrich (v)= to have more of

ex: I want to enrich my vocabularies in English


Horses Can Read Emotions – level 1

Experts do an experiment. They show human faces to horses. They show them happy faces and angry faces. The horses can tell the difference. When they see angry faces, their heart beats faster.

There is a special relationship between horses and people. If you are happy and relaxed, the horse is happy and relaxed, too. If you are angry, the horse is angry or scared.

Speaking exercise

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, but I don’t have a girlfriend. I went to table games, i meet an editor that he wrote a cinema story “å”人街探案“。I like this cinema, it’s very fun and has a good story.

Recently, I have book my hotel about Japan, and a little time for working. This week I spend three hours for my work. I haven’t officially start working but I always relax, I usual spend 7 -8 hours for working a week.

In my free time, I play pc game and swimming, ride a horse, hot spring. If I always play pc game, I would do hot spring. I spend most of time pc game.


Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, but I don’t have a girlfriend. I went to play table games, i meet an editor who wrote the movie “å”人街探案“。I like this movie, it’s very fun and has a good plot.

Recently, I have booked my hotel for my trip to Japan, and I only worked a little time for working. This week I spent three hours on working. I haven’t officially started working but I am always relaxed/ chilled, I usually  spend 7 -8 hours a week on working a week. 

In my free time, I like to play pc game ,go swimming, ride a horse, and enjoy hot spring. If I always play pc game too much, I would go for hot spring. I spend most of my free time on pc game.