VIP Class Notes (Lily)[R/S]



short vowel: a,e,i,o,u

long vowel: a,e,i,o,u

bape, kite, note, dope, huge, puke

1990- nineteen ninety.

2008- twenty O eight/ two thousand and eight

1986- nineteen eight-six


  1. urgent: something you must do, you cannot wait

ex: I must travel to South America within this year, this is very urgent for me.

2. encounter: come across

ex: When I worked with English speakers, I encountered some problems/ difficulties.

3. quiz- small test

4. bold- thicker words, more important words

5. lack :deficiency or absence of something needed, desirable, or customary:

ex: lack of money; lack of skill.

6. drug- medecine

7. previous- before

ex: My previous working experience, my previous boyfriend

8. evidence- to prove something

ex: I have evidence to prove that I didn’t steal your money.

9.spare time- free time

ex: I like to dance in my spare time.

10. enhance- to improve, to do better

ex: I want to enhance my performance at work.

Speaking exercise

I will talk about a thing happened two days ago. Two days ago, I drank with two friends, after I went home by walk. Suddenly a man stopped me, and he looked very very worried, he said to me that he just came back from foreign country, he forgot his wallet and phone on the taxi, now he has to go to another meeting with someone, he didn’t have money with him. Actually he dress well, he looked like someone who was rich, and he spoke English too. I said I could ask didi for you if you want to go somewhere, he said no, i would go one place now, then i have another meeting. I need cash, can you give me 200. I said I don’t have cash with me, but maybe he really has something urgent. Then he added my wechat, I get 200 for him, and until now, I didn’t receive money. Everyone think Paris is a very dangerous place, but I have been there for 6 years, and now I go back often. During six years, i never been robbed or other problems. This time is my first.


I will talk about an event which/that happened two days ago. Two days ago, I drank with two friends, and I walked home. Suddenly a man stopped me, and he looked very very worried, he said to me that he just came back from a foreign country, he forgot his wallet and his phone on the taxi, now he has to go to another meeting with someone, he didn’t have money with him. He actually dressed well, he looked like someone who was rich, and he spoke English too. I said I could call didi for you if you want to go somewhere, he said no, i have to go to one place now, then i have another meeting. I need cash, can you give me 200. I said I don’t have cash with me, but maybe he really has something urgent to do. Then he added my wechat, I got 200 for him, but up to this moment, I haven’t received any money. Everyone thinks that Paris is a very dangerous city, but I have been there for 6 years, and now I go back very often. During these six years, i  have never been robbed or have had any other problems. This is my first time to encounter something like this.