VIP Class Notes (Lily)[R]


ay- letter A sound (gray, fray, pray, may, lay, way, tray)

ow- 奥sound (cow, bow, wow, crowded)

oa- letter O sound ( poach, roast, toast, moan, roam, loan)


I won’t be in the coffee –>I won’t add/put milk in the coffee.


Once upon a time a little pig lived in a little house. He lived there with his mother. Two very fine apple trees grew in mother pig’s front yard. They had big red apple on them. One morning, little pig said “I wish I had an apple pie”. Mother pig said ” I will make some apple pies, but first I must go to the store. You must at home. Don’t let anyone take the big red apples. Little pig said “yes mother, I will stay at home and look after the apples.” So mother pig took her basket and went to the store.