VIP Class Notes (Lily)[R]

For today’s class, Dora also worked on her reading exercise “Continental Drift Theory”.


1.occurred = happened

ex: The accident occurred at night.

2. survive= to live

ex: We must breath air/ drink water to survive

ex: I cannot survive without my phone.

3. ruin= to destroy

ex: My dog ruined my homework/ the sofa/ the table.


Child labour occurs when children get paid to do work. Although they have always had to work in some way, child labour started to become a major problem when children started to work in factories and mines in England. Many of them were very young. Factory owners forced them to work long hours and they got very little money for their work. Working conditions were very unhealthy. Factories were dirty and the air was bad. In mines children had to crawl through tunnels that were not wide enough for adults . Most children worked to help their families survive .

During the 19th century the situation of children started to improve . Most of them were able to go to school and lead a better life. In his novel “Oliver Twist” the famous English novelist, Charles Dickens, showed how factory work was ruining the lives of children in England.


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