VIP Class Notes (Lily)[R]


1. break (noun) = rest
ex: Lunch break 午休
ex: Did you take a break?
ex: do you want to take a break? 你想休息一下吗

2. right away= immediately 马上
ex: I will get you the menu right away. 

3. virgin= no alcohol drink
ex: I’d like it virgin please.
ex: Do you have anything virgin?

4.valet= 代客泊车
ex: are you the valet for this restaurant?
ex: you usually give $20 for the valet. Keep the ticket to get your car back when you finish eating.

5. a la carte= 单点
ex: Can I order the lobster a la carte?

6. salt and pepper
ex: Could I have some salt and pepper please?

7. napkins= something to wipe your mouth
ex: Could I have some napkins please?


I want to make a reservation about tomorrow’s evening – > for tomorrow


“the very everyday oral English” pg 257