VIP Class Notes (Lily)[R/S]


Write a story about dog, noodles, and Disneyland.


1. thought= past tense of “think” 以为
ex: I thought it’s Saturday today, but it’s Sunday.
ex: I thought it’s a green pen, but it’s a red pen.

2. sniff= smell hard 用力闻
ex:   The dogs sniff each other when they meet.
ex: The little bear sniffs the honey.

3. stung= past tense of “sting” 被刺了
ex: A bee stung Lily, and she cried.
ex: A bug stung me, and I cried.

4. laughed = past tense of “laugh” hahahahahahha 大笑
laughed at = 嘲笑
ex: The mother bear laughed at little bear, because he has a big red nose.
ex: Our teacher said a funny joke, so we laughed.
ex: Jason tripped over a banana peel, so Lily and Athena laughed at him.

5. dark= 很深/ 很暗
ex: Lily has a dark blue/purple jacket. 深蓝色
ex: Can you turn on the light? It’s very dark in there. 很暗 (房间)
ex: The bottle color is dark.

6. hole = 洞
ex: Will you jump in the hole with me? NO
ex: There a hole in my ear……..

7. could= past tense of “can”
ex: I could come to dinner tonight.
ex: I could come to SE by subway.
ex: I could brush my hair.


Once there was a little brown bear who lived in the woods. One fine summer morning he went for a walk. He wanted to see what he could find in the big woods. As he went along, he thought, “Oh my, how hungry I am”. I wish I could find something to eat, I wish I could find some honey. All at once, little beat stopped and began to sniff. It smells like honey. It must be honey. It must be up in that tree, I will see. Little brown bear begin to climb up the big tree. Up, up, up he went. At last he came to dark hole in the tree. He found some honey, but he found some bees, too. All at once a bee stung little bear on his black nose. So he went down the tree and ran home to his mother.

Speaking exercise

My favorite animal is dog. I like my dog because it is cute and lucky. My dog is black and white, it has a black collar on the neck, its eyes is big. It’s fat and tall. It can run fast. She like running very much, She like eating bones and meat. I like her smile time. I see her at one year ago. The dog is in my grandmother home, my grandmother home is in Zhejiang.


My favorite animal is dog. I like my dog because it is cute and lucky. My dog is black and white, it has a black collar on the neck, its eyes are big. It’s fat and tall. It can run fast. She like running very much, She like eating bones and meat. I like her when she smiles. I saw her at one year ago. The dog is in my grandmother‘s home, my grandmother‘s home is in Zhejiang.

**when we talk about animals, we can use “it” or “he, she” if you know the gender. **