VIP class notes (Lily) [W/S/R]


write about the phenomenon of “office politics” in China.


uncle hungry hundred undergarment aunt


1. clock-in, clock-out =start working and finish working
ex: In JingDong, you clock-in and clock-out with your app.

Speaking exercise

I just came back from our distributor conference. In that conference, our GM announced that in our company, we will never do 996, we fully expect our employees. I was really moved by our GM. I think 996 makes some sense when you are delivering products which requires certain time. If you are worker and you make cups, you make more cups in more times. Nowadays, most people are working by their intelligence, like you create ideas, arrange campaigns. Instead of 996, you should concentrate on the efficiency on what’s important for the mind-workers.


I just came back from our distributor conference. In that conference, our GM announced that in our company, we will never do 996, we fully respect our employees. I was really moved by our GM. I think 996 makes some sense when you are delivering products which requires certain time. If you are worker and you make cups, you make more cups with more times. Nowadays, most people are working by using their intelligence, like creating ideas, arranging campaigns. Instead of 996, you should concentrate on the efficiency/productivity on what’s important for the mind-workers.


Writing exercise

Middle class is becoming a bigger & bigger part of Shanghai population. There is a joke that, Beijing citizen are mostly officers; Guangzhou citizen are mostly businessmen; while Shanghai citizen are mostly white-collar workers. Many headcounters of multi-national company are located in Shanghai, which creates millions of work opportunities. Competitive salary from multi-national companies make a strong contribution to build up middle class in Shanghai. Family income between 500k to 1M per year would be a proper definition of middle class in Shanghai.
While most people in this range would deny they are middle class, especially when they are under a house loan. High living cost in mega city dilutes their disposable income. Food, transportation, education in Shanghai are all much more expensive than other cities, not to mention incredibly high price of real state. To some people, house loan may take half of their salary.


Middle class is expanding within the Shanghai population. There is a joke/saying that, Beijing citizens are mostly officers; Guangzhou citizens are mostly businessmen; whereas Shanghai citizens are mostly white-collar workers. Many headquarters of multi-national company are located in Shanghai, which creates millions of working opportunities. Competitive salary from multi-national companies contributes to the making of middle class in Shanghai. Family income between 500k to 1M per year would be appropriate to define middle class in Shanghai.
While most people in this range would deny the fact that they are middle class, especially when they still have to pay off their mortgage. High living cost in mega city dilutes their disposable income. Food, transportation, education in Shanghai are all much more expensive than other cities, not to mention the incredibly high price of real estate/ housing. To some people, house loan may take up more than half of their salary/ income.