VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W/S]


because= becuz
jealous = gel lus
colleagues= ko leegs
phone= fone
ipad= I pad
water= wa der

-er-: her nerd pervert perception persist permit serve servant server cracker
-ir-: firm bird dirt first birthplace shirt thirteen thirty thirsty
-ur-: nurse burst hurdle turn surpass surface surgery surprise sunburn

-or-: born torn horn fork pork dork cork tort horse

-ar- (r): are yard barn fart dart garden marble partner bartender


1.would rather= 宁可 宁愿
ex: My friend would rather sleep than to eat.
ex: I would rather have the small one than the big one.

2. period (noun)= 句号
= 月经
ex: I have my period today, I cannot work.

3. skinny= 瘦的
ex: you are too skinny, you need to eat more!
ex: I don’t like girls who are too skinny.

4. does it work? = 这能行吗
ex: my computer isn’t working. 
ex: can you help you? It doesn’t work. 

5. mosquitoes (mos kee tos)= 蚊子
ex: Lily hates mosquitos.

Speaking exercise

In my new company, my colleagues lose weight everyday. I feel that they are very thin but they feel lose weight go on. My new colleagues said “my boss really like thin girls.” So every colleagues lose weight. They talk very loudly. my company is in a garden but I don’t like it because a lot of mosquitoes and bees in the garden.


In my new company, my colleagues are trying to lose weight everyday. I think that they are very thin already but they are still on a diet. My new colleagues said that my boss really likes thin/skinny girls. So everyone is trying to lose weight. They talk very loudly. My company is located in a garden but I don’t like it because there are a lot of mosquitoes and bees in the garden.

Writing exercise

Busy weekend
The weekends have been very busy since I had my son. Take care of my son is busier than work overtime. Many women say they would work overtime than take care of their children.
On weekends, in addition to cooking, I also take him to a class, take him to shopping, take him to the playground or park…
I feel very tired , but I enjoyed family day very much.


The weekends have been very busy for me since I had my son. It’s way busier to take care of my son is busier than to work overtime. Many women say that they would rather work overtime than to take care of their children.
On the weekends, in addition to cooking, I also have to take him to extracurricular classes, take him to go shopping, take him to the playground or the park…
I feel very tired , but I enjoyed family day very much.