VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W/R]


write about your favorite animal.


sit nip wit sip ship clip picnic
sot nop frog shop chop sock
rug cup mug bug cut suck

once= one s
look= l uuuu k
guess= g yes
laugh= laf

Speaking exercise

This is story is about Bunny Boy. Bunny boy is a white rabbit. He has two friends, his friend is Anny and Ned. Anny is a cat and Ned is a dog. Bunny boy see a hole, and is in the hole. His friend is find Bunny Boy. Father open the door and Bunny boy is come in the house. His friend Anny is washing the rabbit and the rabbit is white. Everyone is happy.


This is story is about Bunny Boy. Bunny boy is a white rabbit. He has two friends, his friend are Anny and Ned. Anny is a cat and Ned is a dog. Bunny boy sees a hole, and is in the hole. His friends are finding/looking for Bunny Boy. Father opens the door and Bunny boy is comes in the house. His friend Anny is washing the rabbit and the rabbit is white. Everyone is happy.


Bunny boy was a white rabbit, he was a happy rabbit. Bunny boy liked to play with Anny and Ned. He liked to play with Anny and Ned. He liked to play with Spot the cat, and Jack the dog. They all liked Bunny boy, what fun they had. One day Bunny boy was playing in the yard with Spot and Jack. Bunny found a big dark hole under the house. What a big hole, he said. I will hide in it. Spot and Jack can not find me. So Bunny jumped into the hole. down down down he fell. Ohoh said bunny boy. How black it is down here, I am all black too.

Where is bunny boy? Said Ned. Where is Bunny boy? said Anny. Oh dear, where can he be? They looked and looked for him. They looked in the house and in the yard. They looked up and down the street. Mother and father looked. Spot and Jack looked, but no one could find Bunny boy.

Writing exercise

Two pigs walk in the park.
my mother likes green.
Lily talks in English very well.
Five cats and two dogs are playing in the yard.