VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W/R]


push bush hush mushroom brush rush
ull (欧): pull bull dull skull full
ind (eye): behind kind mind bind blind
oi (oy): coin noise voice moist poison coil boil foil oil


1.misunderstanding= 误会
ex: there were some misunderstandings between us, people thought we have a thing, but we don’t.

2. apply= 申请
ex: did you apply for the visa?
ex: I applied for the e-visa to Malaysia.

3. visa= 签证
ex: You need a visa to go to Japan.
ex: Lily doesn’t need a visa to go to Japan, because she’s Canadian.

4. front desk=前台
ex: Sometimes, I go to the front desk to help them.

5. balance= 余额
ex: Do you check your balance every month/week?
ex: I get depressed when I check my balance.

6. topic =话题
ex: What topic do you want to talk about today?
ex: I don’t like this topic, this is a depressing topic.

7. gossip (verb)= 八卦
ex: People love to gossip/ love gossiping. 
ex: Most girls like to gossip, they can talk about anything.

8. magic= 魔法
ex: Do you believe in magic? I don’t believe in magic.
ex: LiuQian is a magician, he is really good at showing magic tricks.


The children were all ready for a ride in the new pony cart, get up billy, called Jim. But Billy, the little black and white pony would not go. Jim and Tom ran in front and began to pull. Betty and Nancy ran to the back of the cart and began to push. But billy would not go. Just then grandfather came along. He watched the children trying to make Billy go. Then he laughed. Get into the cart again, he said, ” I think I can make billy go.” grandfather went to the pony. He put his mouth right up to Billy’s ear and whispered something. Billy jumped and went galloping down the road. Thank you, grandfather, shouted the children.

When the children came home, Jim ran to find grandfather. what secret did you whisper in Billy’s ear? Grandfather laughed. I whispered a magic word to Billy, he said. The was PLEASE. the net time Billy won’t go, try this magic word. But be very sure sure to whisper it right in his ear, just as I did.

Writing exercise

I like to listen to some English music while walking.
I brush my teeth and braces when i ate any food .
I am used to drink some wine and listening some jazz music when i am in a bad mood.
I was depressed last night when i was not happy with my friend.
I was too slowly to put on make up and get dressed.


I like to listen to some English music while walking.
I brush my teeth and my braces when I eat  food .
I am used to drinking some wine and listening to some jazz music when i am in a bad mood.
I was depressed last night when i was not happy with my friend.
I put on make up slowly and got dressed slowly.